Amur Maple
A small, vigorous tree with an upright habit; the dark green, glossy 3-lobed leaves are light green on the reverse and become bright red in autumn. Acer ginnala (syn. Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala) is a summer-flowering tree with creamy yellow fragrant panicles of small flowers, followed by persistent red-winged fruits until winter. A good option for urban gardens as it will tolerate pruning if required. Its autumn colour will stop you in your tracks every time you see it.
Site: Requires shelter from coastal wind
Soil: Prefers well-drained, neutral to acidic soil
Position: Full sun, dappled shade
Season of Interest: Interesting winter bark, autumn colour
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: Up to 20ft (6m) Spread: 15ft (4.5m)